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Hash Details, Points, and Counts

Below is the full list of hash types used in this year's contest, the point value of each crack for those hashes, and how many were in each of the Pro and Street set. Note that Pro vs Street were different, and also that the Pro numbers are only approximations since most of them varied per Pro team, because reasons.

Although it is generally true that harder hashes are worth more points, they are deliberately not perfectly proportional. Figure out how to game the scores and focus your efforts accordingly.

Hash Name
NotesPoints EachPro HashesStreet Hashes
aixssha256AIX SHA256-based crypt15025003073
bcryptBlowfish crypt, $2a$55026003197
challenge8md5crypt, $1$250198198
desUNIX DES crypt5518502260
docEncrypted MS Word .doc1019871987
docxEncrypted MS Word .docx50010001000
ike_sha1IKE SHA1-based PSK10027003267
kerberos5Kerberos AS-REQ Pre-Auth10026003153
lmMS LANMAN (2x 1-round DES)1880010765
md5cryptFreeBSD MD5 crypt, $1$22526003156
md5saltpassSingle-round salted MD5: md5(s, p)4027003276
mssqlMS SQL Server (old format)541005019
mssql12MS SQL Server 201210029503638
ntNTLM, MD4-based12200026713
oracleOracle >= 11, PBKDF2 SHA1 based3028503488
phpassPortable PHP Password hash, $P$40020002453
rarPassword-protected RAR archive25019961996
raw-md5Raw single-round, unsalted MD5246005738
raw-sha1Raw single-round, unsalted SHA1343505262
raw-sha512Raw single-round, unsalted SHA512940004869
sha512cryptSHA512-based crypt, $6$70018002190
vbulletinvBulletin: md5(md5(p),s)25029003501
vm_desVM challenge - UNIX DES crypt6510001000
vm_mysqlVM challenge - MySQL SHA12033
vm_realshadowVM challenge - sha512crypt80010001000
vm_sshaVM challenge - nsldaps salted SHA1, {SSHA}10010021002
vm_wordpressVM challenge - Wordpress MD544010001000
wpapskWPA PSK, PBKDF2 SHA1 based30036504426

Page generated at: Sun Aug 10 22:21:50 PDT 2014
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